I love bananas so naturally I’d want to fuse a traditional vanilla-based ice cream with bananas.
People love lists and superlatives, dating way back to high school yearbooks. But the publications are missing the juice: The best designers in the world have the best clients in the world.
Fear is the power that fuels inertia. I read somewhere that the all-white room is a byproduct of fear.
Many of our clients struggle with the challenges of downsizing. But what about upsizing? Typically out of college, we land our first job, maybe we shack up in a trendy urban neighborhood, then get married, celebrate a first born. But the inevitable arrives, planning for that second (or third) child?
The driver’s seat upheld a particular status in our family — probably in most families I expect. The driver is in charge. The pilot navigates the dark, scary world where strangers live in big, dark houses and high beams are a weapon.
Our collection is indisputably influenced by the organizations we support and the artists we patronize and root for. When speaking to new collectors, I often recommend joining a philanthropic groups.
Many people ask what we collect. It’s not so simple to answer. Much of it is photography but not necessarily. Much of it is figurative, but not necessarily.
Not for the strict minimalist, unless carefully and obsessively arranged, this approach involves hanging all the pictures closely next to and atop one another in order to fit them all in.
It’s fun to make fun of millennials! Let’s look back on our dangerous lives before it was ok to wear sweatpants on airplanes.