I bet your wardrobe does. Or your car, your wrist watch or even your boat. What about your home? Do you hesitate to invite people over?
I bet your wardrobe does. Or your car, your wrist watch or even your boat. What about your home? Do you hesitate to invite people over?
Back by popular demand, here’s our roundup of eight superlatives. Call them our favorite things or our go-to brands. When you seek the best, you get what you pay for and you won’t be disappointed.
Attacking the noxious wrinkles with a steam wand or heavy German steam iron stirs up a feeling of gratifying satisfaction and completes with a sense of primitive accomplishment that I feel like I can conquer the world.
Aren’t we all, at some level a bit afraid of being judged? Our homes might be the ultimate reveal into our personal attics of shame.
The one thing that will completely transform a room is an exceptional paint job. It’s the type of application that people can understand and relate to, though rarely give much consideration to the varying levels of quality.
We’ve all said it, but this doesn’t work all the time, especially when a kaleidoscope of decisions must be made.
The journey of interior design transformation is often more valuable and memorable than the results. This means (to me) gently and thoughtfully leading the client through a series of carefully intended doors.
When asked what I did, I would usually get the same blank stare. Not to put down that career choice, it just doesn’t incite the type of excitement and enthusiasm that saying “I’m an interior designer” does.
Platemark has a job opening for a studio assistant. Here are the qualities and qualifications that best align with the position. Does it sound like you or someone you know?
Often times we see flaws, oversights and potential improvements that no one else sees. Should we speak up and point them out?