We spend much of our time helping clients enjoy the beauty, tranquility and accessibilities of home. Especially in careers where wfh is allowed or encouraged, our spaces serve a variety of needs for us and our families.
We spend much of our time helping clients enjoy the beauty, tranquility and accessibilities of home. Especially in careers where wfh is allowed or encouraged, our spaces serve a variety of needs for us and our families.
Maybe it was an aunt, a grandmother or if you were lucky your mother — and not just around holidays. Ah, the candy dish filled with candy. It’s a magical thing. What happened that we’ve become people who live without candy here and there in our homes?
I don’t mind gifts for the home. Trust me, if I was gifted a vacuum cleaner or a coffee maker or a clever kitchen gadget, I’d jump for joy! Forget jewelry, clothes, handbags and shoes, what you really want is some of this. Come along and I’ll show you … Wide Coat Hangers The small, […]
People love lists and superlatives, dating way back to high school yearbooks. But the publications are missing the juice: The best designers in the world have the best clients in the world.
The driver’s seat upheld a particular status in our family — probably in most families I expect. The driver is in charge. The pilot navigates the dark, scary world where strangers live in big, dark houses and high beams are a weapon.
I bet your wardrobe does. Or your car, your wrist watch or even your boat. What about your home? Do you hesitate to invite people over?
Aren’t we all, at some level a bit afraid of being judged? Our homes might be the ultimate reveal into our personal attics of shame.
Often times we see flaws, oversights and potential improvements that no one else sees. Should we speak up and point them out?
Our homes never looks as good as when company arrives. Or as worse as just a few hours before. Here’s my “fluffing” routine, as I refer to it. Be sure the bathroom is fresh. This means wiping down the water marks around the sink, tidying up and providing fresh towels and a full roll of […]