I never used to adore (answering) this question. Back, way back, when I worked as an IT Software Architect in Financial Services, in any social situation one would customarily ask, “What do you do?”
I would usually get the same blank stare. Not to put down that career choice, it just doesn’t incite the type of excitement and enthusiasm that saying “I’m an interior designer” does. And boy do faces light up now! Everyone loves a designer, it’s Small Talk Viagra for sure.
But like my chosen metaphor, it wears off quickly unless I paint a brighter, more specific picture. Because everyone has a pre-conceived notion what it means to be an interior designer, and I’m going to take this opportunity to be a bit more elaborate. Because I have my own slant, and if you know me well enough, it doesn’t mean I shop for a living.
“Craig, What do You Do?”
I’m the passionate, colorful and process-driven interior designer you call when you expect a first-class experience and you like to waste no time seeing results.
“Oh Wow, that sounds fascinating. Tell me more.”
I work with very busy industry leaders/gurus who lack the time to get focused to transform and build their luxury home. I step in to advocate on their behalf during the entire process.
Based on my past experience in the financial services industry, I lead successful and hassle-free projects with an air-tight step-by-step process that I developed over my 13 years in this business. Our projects are highly-customized, from architectural detailing, lighting, finely finished custom furnishings and cabinetry, kitchens and baths, or innovative and clever uses of materials, such as upholstered walls, hand-sewn curtains and hidden storage for city dwellers.
“There’s so much you get to explore. What’s your favorite part?”
Nothing makes me happier than when my clients relish in the magic. In a sarcastic moment, I once expressed to a client that I’m not saving the world. Coincidentally, she is saving the world, and told me that although I’m not saving the world I’m saving her world from stress and distraction – and in turn, helping save the world.
Isn’t that better?
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