We’ve all said it, but this doesn’t work all the time, especially when a kaleidoscope of decisions must be made.
We’ve all said it, but this doesn’t work all the time, especially when a kaleidoscope of decisions must be made.
The journey of interior design transformation is often more valuable and memorable than the results. This means (to me) gently and thoughtfully leading the client through a series of carefully intended doors.
When asked what I did, I would usually get the same blank stare. Not to put down that career choice, it just doesn’t incite the type of excitement and enthusiasm that saying “I’m an interior designer” does.
Platemark has a job opening for a studio assistant. Here are the qualities and qualifications that best align with the position. Does it sound like you or someone you know?
Often times we see flaws, oversights and potential improvements that no one else sees. Should we speak up and point them out?
You name it, someone will always chime in saying “Oh, my parents had a pair of those and I regret if they’d only kept them!”
A decorated home that consists of, say, 350 elements is actually 3,500 decisions. Or more. Probably more.
It’s Not All Smoke and Mirrors My first assumption was, when flipping through shelter and home magazines, that nothing was “real”. Objects were dropped in at will, computers applied the magic wand tool to anything that didn’t show well. Cords and switches were scratched out. Not the case, well, usually. Lights Out I often get […]
This isn’t a post steeped in regret, pause or grudge. Rather, I entered this business quite deliberately, with much enthusiasm and energy. I never imagined having a job that I truly loved and for which I had Purpose. I also never had a mentor or Master Designer to work under and learn. My approach has […]