There’s something so special about taking the slow boat to Nantucket in the summer. As Cape Cod fades into the horizon and ocean views take over, you feel like you’re really getting away. And when the boat is almost at the ferry terminal, you’re looking at the beaches along Hulbert Avenue in anticipation of the sun, sand and the sound of waves. Boston artist Meg Weeks’s painting, Hulbert Noon II captures a vista from the island side, and with it the glory of a picture perfect summer’s day, where the only thing on the agenda is to enjoy it. The room we imagine around her painting has lots of beachy, casual indoor/outdoor fabrics, where greens and blues rule, and the only requirement is to relax.
Mood Board inspired by Hulbert Noon II

- Lake Blue indoor/outdoor fabric by Duralee
- China Cloud embroidered border in French Blue by Samuel & Sons
- Galena linen in Cielo by Holland & Sherry
- Blue Celeste marble tile from Discover Tile
- Coriolis hand painted wallpaper in Totek by Holland & Sherry
- Pashmina indoor/outdoor fabric in Citrus by Link Outdoor
- Rough ‘N Rowdy indoor/outdoor fabric in Cornflower by Perennials
- Jean Paul Ombre pleated border by Lori Weitzner in Horizon by Samuel & Sons
- Beachcomber Stripe indoor/outdoor fabric in Neptune by Perennials
- Positano Stripe indoor/outdoor fabric in Fern by Savel
- Celine Ombre cord with tape in Geyser by Samuel & Sons
- Piumette fabric in Emerald & Gold by Fortuny
- Santa Barbara indoor/outdoor fabric in Spring by Link Outdoor
- Cirque Pom Pom fringe in Meadow by Samuel & Sons
- Tuscany Leaf and cotton fabric in Leaf Green by Zoffany
- Wendell Embroidery linen and cotton fabric in Ceramic Blue by Sanderson
- Lorenzo indoor/outdoor fabric in Grasshopper by Holland & Sherry
- Morning Glory indoor/outdoor fabric in Navy by Link Outdoor
- Cirque Pom Pom fringe in Nautical by Samuel & Sons
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